
a blog for those who read too much

Book Review: Finding Infinity (Infinity #3) by Layne Harper

on July 27, 2015


Title: Finding Infinity

Author: Layne Harper

Genre: New adult

Series: #3 in Infinity

My rating: 3.5 stars

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Goodreads Summary

“Finding Infinity” as described by Colin…

“Fine Charlie.” Colin says dropping his hands in defeat. “Here’s what I want. I want everybody to back off and let me play football. I want you to go back to practicing medicine because I’m ready for you to be happy again – not this forced shit that you keep trying to sell me. I want Brad to get his house finished because I’m tired of listening to his DIY project updates. I want Jenny to decide on a hair color. I want Aiden and Rachael to either figure their shit out or leave each other alone, because Aiden’s chick drama is annoying. I want Mark to quit trying so hard to be my buddy again. I want my parents to get off my back about us living in sin. I want you to pick a date to marry me. That’s what I want. What am I going to get? None of it, because I have to do another interview to try to patch the gaping wound that is my life with a Band-Aid.”

This is book three of the “Infinity Series.” To read them in order, please start with “Falling Into Infinity” and then “From Now Until Infinity.”


My Review


This book was pretty similar to the second book for me. Colin gets a bad football injury and he struggles with that while both Colin and Charlie struggle with their seeming inability to get pregnant.

I honestly don’t have much to say about this book. It was good. I enjoyed it and I want to continue reading the series. Other than that, it was just…pretty much the same as the second one for me. Good, not great.

The writing is even better than the previous books, thank god, so hopefully that trend continues with the last book as well.

Sorry for the crappy review. Hopefully once I finish this series I’ll get out of my funk. 🙂



The book was good. Not great, but enjoyable. And…that’s it. Pretty meh.


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