
a blog for those who read too much

Book Review: Falling into Infinity (Infinity #1) by Layne Harper

on July 21, 2015


Title: Falling into Infinity

Author: Layne Harper

Genre: New adult

Series: #1 in Infinity

My rating: 3 stars

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Goodreads Summary

Pre-med student Caroline “Charlie” Collins, a sophomore at Texas A&M, knows exactly what she wants in life and the order that it will happen: finish college, complete medical school, and then fall in love. A chance meeting with A&M’s star quarterback Colin McKinney changes everything.

A friendship between the two grows over time and blossoms into a powerful love affair. Charlie and Colin must learn to cope with his transition to playing professional football, the crushing attention of the media, and constant demands of his fans. At the same time, she’s struggling with how her dream of attending medical school will fit into their already stressed relationship and Colin’s new life.

Falling Into Infinity asks the question is just loving someone enough to make a relationship work?


My Review


This book wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. The first half of the book told the beginning of Charlie and Colin’s love story (which was nice) as well as the (first) end of their relationship. This first part of the book was a bit confusing because of the changing timeline. I enjoyed the story of Charlie and Colin falling in love but I didn’t enjoy as much the other story of them two years later.

The second half of the book was the “present day”, eight years after they broke up in college. This part of the story was okay, but not great. It just wasn’t that interesting and I felt like they got together too quickly with little to no conflict (even though <SPOILER ALERT> Colin had a girlfriend!<END OF SPOILER>).

The writing in this book wasn’t great, also. There were a lot of grammatical/punctuation errors that annoyed me and the writing (the dialogue especially) felt very stilted at times. There was a lack of contractions which made it feel more formal and contributed to the stilted feeling.



I didn’t love this book. The writing was not very good and the story was just okay. I’ll read the rest of the series, but only because I’m still holding out hope it’ll get better.


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