
a blog for those who read too much

The Great E-book vs. Print Book Debate

on July 13, 2015


Ah, the great book format debate. E-books or print books? Both?

Different formats work for different people. Personally, I love physical books – the feel, the look, the smell.


However, these days I mostly read on my Kindle Paperwhite. Blasphemy, I know! No real book lover reads on an e-reader. But just hear me out.

Simply put, I read too much for physical books. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true.

For example, I’m currently staying at Oxford University for four weeks. I read about a book a day, or a book every other day here (since I’m busy). That means I’ll read about 14 books while I’m here. According to the internet, the average weight of a paperback book is 15 oz. That means all of the books together would weigh 210 oz, or about 13 lbs. And that’s if I only bring paperbacks.

That is ridiculous. I can’t add 13 lbs to my already too heavy bag. My kindle allows me to bring thousands of books (though I only currently have about 400 on there) and it only weighs 205 g, or about 7 oz. That’s less than half the weight of one paperback book.

In addition, the cost of ebooks is much less than that of physical books. Firstly, I can get many ebooks from the library (which I can do with print books as well, but it’s much easier with ebooks). Secondly, the average cost of an ebook is about $7. The average cost of a paperback book is about twice that (depending on the size and retailer, of course). Also, Amazon offers many free ebooks; not all of them are good, but there are some hidden gems out there.

Lastly, the environmental reason. As the infographic above states, the carbon emissions required to make one e-reader equal those of making 40 to 50 books. However, the carbon emission of making an ebook? None. So if you read more than 40 to 50 books on your e-reader, you’re being more environmentally friendly than if you had read those 40 to 50 books in print.

I love print books. I always will. However, these days, I mostly read e-books. They’re the better option for me based on my reading habits, but that doesn’t mean they’re better for everyone. If physical books magically weighed next to nothing and cost less, maybe I would read mostly those. Right now, for me, e-books are a better option.

What about you? What format do you prefer to read your books in? Why? Comment below and let’s discuss!

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