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Book Review: Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths #1) by K.A. Tucker

on July 13, 2015


Title: Ten Tiny Breaths

Author: K.A. Tucker

Genre: New Adult

Series: #1 in Ten Tiny Breaths

My rating: 4 stars

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Goodreads Summary

Kacey Cleary’s whole life imploded four years ago in a drunk-driving accident. Now she’s working hard to bury the pieces left behind—all but one. Her little sister, Livie. Kacey can swallow the constant disapproval from her born-again aunt Darla over her self-destructive lifestyle; she can stop herself from going kick-boxer crazy on Uncle Raymond when he loses the girls’ college funds at a blackjack table. She just needs to keep it together until Livie is no longer a minor, and then they can get the hell out of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

But when Uncle Raymond slides into bed next to Livie one night, Kacey decides it’s time to run. Armed with two bus tickets and dreams of living near the coast, Kacey and Livie start their new lives in a Miami apartment complex, complete with a grumpy landlord, a pervert upstairs, and a neighbor with a stage name perfectly matched to her chosen “profession.” But Kacey’s not worried. She can handle all of them. What she can’t handle is Trent Emerson in apartment 1D.

Kacey doesn’t want to feel. She doesn’t. It’s safer that way. For everyone. But sexy Trent finds a way into her numb heart, reigniting her ability to love again. She starts to believe that maybe she can leave the past where it belongs and start over. Maybe she’s not beyond repair.

But Kacey isn’t the only one who’s broken. Seemingly perfect Trent has an unforgiveable past of his own; one that, when discovered, will shatter Kacey’s newly constructed life and send her back into suffocating darkness.

My Review

This book has been on my TBR pile forever, so I finally decided to pick it up a few days ago. It was good, really good even, but not amazing.

Kacey and her sister, Livie, are living on their own after running away from their aunt and uncle’s house. They soon meet and befriend Storm and her daughter Mia (who is so cute!) and a mysterious neighbor named Trent, who seems to have some sort of connection with Kacey.

A lot happens in the second half of the book, but the first half can be a bit slow. Bear with it. I guessed the twist toward the beginning, but it was still a good twist nonetheless. The book was a lot deeper than I thought it would be, touching on topics such as loss, PTSD, and forgiveness. How do you forgive someone whose mistake killed your family? Can you forgive them? Was it even their fault?

The ending was good and satisfying and I look forward to reading the rest of the series.


While not amazing, this book was very good. It was deeper than I expected which adds to the story and makes this a very good read.


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