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Book Review: Heart and Soul (Lost and Found #5) by Nicole Williams

on July 8, 2015

Title: Heart and Soul

Author: Nicole Williams

Genre: New adult

Series: #5 in Lost and Found

My rating: 4 stars

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Goodreads Summary

Love is what makes us. It’s also what breaks us.

If this is true, Rowen just became the proverbial wrecking ball to Jesse’s life.

Upon discovering Rowen is pregnant after taking every precaution to ensure otherwise due to a life-threatening heart condition, Jesse is forced to face too many harsh realities and they send him into a desperate, dark place. To consider the possibility that he might lose his wife and unborn child is too much for Jesse to bear.

The situation is out of his control, so he gloms on to the few things he can control. Like noting Rowen’s every move, or dialing the doctor whenever her face goes a shade pale, or even acknowledging the fact he’d be willing to make a deal with the devil in exchange for his wife’s and child’s lives. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do or give or sacrifice to keep them from harm.

But what happens when the devil takes that deal Jesse struck, and the tables turn? A life for a life. A soul for a soul. A heart for a heart. His life for theirs.

Love is what makes us. It’s also what breaks us.

Love’s made Jesse and Rowen. Love’s about to break them too.


My Review


This is the last book in Nicole Williams’ Lost and Found series. At only 192 pages, it’s more of a novella, but it’s definitely long enough to wrap everything up and give everyone the endings they deserve.

Rowen is pregnant, as we learned in the last book, and she has a heart condition that makes her pregnancy very dangerous. Jesse is, understandably, worried about her, but he sometimes takes worry into the realm of overprotective. Their love was as strong as ever (although I did miss some of their banter; we didn’t see as much of it) and the ending <SPOILER ALERT>when they have their baby, Elodie, and everyone turns out okay<END OF SPOILER> is satisfying. We also saw a bit of Garth and Josie together, which was nice.


Overall (a.k.a. tl;dr)

This book is a good ending to the Lost and Found series. While not perfect, the book (as well as the series) was overall enjoyable.


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