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Book Review: Losers Weepers (Lost and Found #4) by Nicole Williams

on July 6, 2015

Title: Losers Weepers

Author: Nicole Williams

Genre: New adult

Series: #4 in Lost and Found

My rating: 3.5 stars

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Goodreads Summary

If we didn’t know darkness, we couldn’t fully appreciate the light.

Garth Black’s more familiar with this concept than most people are. He hadn’t just lived in the dark for the majority of his life—he thrived in it. With a mom who’d bailed on him and a dad whose understanding of coddling started and ended with a bottle of whiskey, Garth had never been expected to rise to any sort of occasion other than following down the same dead-end paths.

That changed when he fell in love with Josie Gibson. After years of pulling each other closer before shoving the other way, they finally stopped shoving. Josie’s love is like nothing Garth’s ever experienced. He holds it close. He holds it sacred. He would do anything to preserve it and keep it from pollution, even if that means removing himself from the picture.

Garth might have been allowed a temporary furlough to bask in the light, but that pass has been revoked, and he’s been swallowed again by the dark. Will he revert to his old ways of hurting those he cares for most? Will he go back to the same destructive patterns . . . or will it be worse this time?

We can’t know light without first knowing dark . . . and Garth Black’s about to get acquainted with the dark in a whole new way.

My Review

I enjoyed this book more than the previous one. We again follow Garth and Josie through Garth’s eyes and, like last time, they undergo hardships and roadblocks. This time, however, the roadblocks don’t have as much to do with their relationship itself as they do with Garth trying to be a good person for Josie, no matter how misguided he may be.

The beginning didn’t drag on as much as the previous book’s did for me–we’re pretty much sucked right into the conflict at the beginning. It’s painful to see Garth so weak for a good portion of the book, but when he ends up back on his feet (pun intended 😉 read the book, you’ll get it) at the end, it’s satisfying.



I enjoyed Jesse and Rowen’s story arc during the first two books more that I enjoyed Garth and Josie’s, but it was still a good read. If you’ve read the rest of this series, then you should definitely read this book.


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